It's All New To Me
This is my studio. 99% of the fabrics are vintage, right now they are all staring at me in anticipation of being CUT! Sometimes it hurts me to cut them. I finally figured out how to do those links, BUT, since I am working on a MAC, I don't get the same options to post as PC users - :o( **grrrrrrrrrrr** meaning, I don't even get the little tool bar on top. If anyone can help me with this, it would be most appreciated. The weather in NY the past couple of weeks has been absolutely insane. I feel like I am living in a tropical place - which would be great if there was a nice ocean here!
The top is a photo of my pops circa 1968 (the year I was born) I love it so much because my mom took it, it is browning too but it makes me realize she was in love with him at one point of my life, which is nice. The bottom is a coke mirror I picked up in St Louis a few years ago - I love it and I affectionately call it "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". It has these crazy spiral lines on it that I don't think you can see from the photo...
Papi loves the new Brooklyn Fairway too. I think he loves the olive bar the best, followed by the fresh baked Hamentashens, and the great yogurt selection. He also enjoys eating breakfast on the patio, with the cool breeze floating up from the water. Ahhhhhhhhhh. The Fairway.
I know, I know. This is one of my favorite posessions. I got it from a cousin who passed away last year. I guess she didn't disco very often.
This is Chicken Little. He loves the new Brooklyn FAIRWAY! He is about 16 years old, and REALLY REALLY BIG. He kindof sounds like a chicken when he meows, but that is not how he got his name.
This is a pic of our booth at Renegade Craft Fair. This is the second year we did it and it was a great success! Jill (from and I had a great spot, and despite the weather being ridiculously hot and humid, people gave great feedback and spent some $$$!!! I also bought some stuff, a GREAT necklace from BANG, a wonderful gun print Tshirt that I LOVE from *DAMN* I can't remember, and some really great skull earrings from Sacred Kitsch Studio( oh and a really gorgeous Nano cozie from coffee drinker (, I had such a good time and it was so amazing to be surrounded by so many talented artists, it was totally inspiring - I am now in the process of figuring out how to make it so that my every day life can be spent making things and living as a result of that... to be continued...
Here are some REALLY COOL SNEAKS I got in Chinatown on Saturday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I kindof don't want to wear them because they are so fresh and so clean clean, but, I need to see them on my feet and love them in that way.
So, Along with my brand new website, I am trying this thing they call BLOGGING. I have seen two in particular that I REALLY love, which you can see at and I still don't know how to do those cool little links where you can just click on a word and be taken to another place but this will be an entire learning process. This pic is of Papi. You can see he is all attitude.
Here's how to do the link thing:
1.Select the word/words you want to link.
2.Press the link button on top.
3.Type in or paste the url into the space that appears.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I love the woman who wrote this blog. I want her to be mine
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